Converted Camper Vans
As a young man in the 1970’s, I joined my generation in our common yearning to own a customized van. We spent thousands on custom paint jobs, tear-drop windows, and mag wheels. Fur-covered dashboards, button-tucked leather ceilings, and awesome Captain’s chairs made for impressive interiors. Mostly we used them for cruising the main drag. We could load up the surfboards and head for the beach, or toss in the skis and head for the hills. Those were the days!
But why stop there? I started loading mine up for camping and spent several days on the road. As the miles rolled by I envisioned a tiny kitchen, a pooper, and my own bed. How hard could it be?
Meanwhile, the dream lived on. The next generation made great strides in converting vans to campers, as did aspiring travelers in every decade since. Today’s wayfarers have almost unlimited options to make their dreams come true. On this page we’ll visit some of the classics still rollin’ on down the road as well as newer models, and look at a couple of terrific resources for the DIY crowd.
The Oldies-But-Goodies Are Still Out There
The image below is a 1985 Chevy G20. This model and conversion is very rare, and I haven’t found another one like it. The camper conversion is original from factory when it was built. It was for sale on eBay for just $10K*.
Building or Buying a Camper Van- A Big Decision
Converted camper vans can be very appealing in their compact and efficient appearance, but as for living in one, many folks find them to be too small. Not only that, but some find that the “nomadic” lifestyle can be quite lonely. You’ll want to carefully consider your purpose for the vehicle. Vacation and/or travel-only is one thing, and full-time living quite another. Being sure of your objective, as well as your budget, will help you determine whether you should purchase a fully-customized, ready-to-roll vehicle or convert a van yourself.
Buying a pre-built camper van can be quite expensive. Converting your own requires a good amount of building skill in many areas, from metal- and wood-working to electrical and plumbing.
Easy Design Software
We didn’t have the advantage of design software in the 70’s. We didn’t have computers for that matter- but you do. VanSpace 3D Design Software makes it easy to “Get your van conversion ideas out of your head and into the real world so you can compare them, share them, and build them easier than ever before!”
“Drag and drop components, resize them, move them around and tweak the details until everything fits just right.” VanSpace 3D is just $19.00* and includes a cost calculator. ” A bad budget (or no budget) is the #1 killer of van conversions. If you don’t know how much you need to spend, your trip can be delayed for months, or you may give up completely. The easy-to-use budget spreadsheet helps you plan better and get on the road sooner! Get VanSpace 3D today.
Domestic Campervan Conversions
When we think of campervans, the Mercedes-Benz Sprinter is usually the first image that springs to mind. But there are many advantages to using a domestic American van model as the basis for our dream campervan.
Mercedes-Benz Sprinter vans listed on eBay®, while really nice, can be twice the cost of a domestic model. Insurance and repairs are also more expensive.
The Dodge RAM Promaster Hi-Roof vans are listed on eBay®. Take a look at the selection.

Get free shipping on all Orion Van Gear equipment thru this link. Use coupon code TINYLIFECONSULTING for a discount at checkout.
Visit Far Out Ride for Help Converting Your Ford Transit is an awesome website developed by Antoine and Isabelle sharing detailed documentation of their two DIY van conversions. You’ll be surprised at the amount of information that will save you time, money, and frustration. Everything from wiring diagrams, plumbing systems, insulation calculator, to help developing your solar system. Much of it is FREE.
The Builder’s Package includes ALL our diagrams, tutorials, templates, and also unlocks discounts on van parts. Build your van with confidence and save time with these unique tools. If you find our website useful, getting the Builder’s Package is the best way to give back, support us and keep the dream alive.
Among the many tools is a thinsulate calculator. Not only does it help you determine how much you need to buy but there’s an accompanying tutorial on the proper installation as well.
All the information I would want to teach you, like condensation and moisture management, is right on this website. You might not think these things are important now but you’ll thank us later when your tiny home is comfortable and dry. They even have 3d templates so you can 3d print all the little parts they used.
See their photo at the top of the page.
Here are the kind of deals you’ll find on domestic camper vans
The 2000 Dodge Ram, shown here, has only 28k miles on it. It’s totally tricked out with an Onan generator, Emerson Quiet Kool air conditioning unit, and rear wet bath with toilet, sink and shower. The rear kitchen has a sink, two burner stove top, microwave, and refrigerator with built-in freezer. Scissor couch turns into a bed, and the dinette can also turn into a sleeping area. Has upper cabinets for storage, TV, DVD player, furnace, water heater, closet with hanger area, fantastic fan, and automatic rear step. Awnings on both sides.
It was listed for $50k* at the time of this post and was snapped up fast, but you’ll be able to find similar deals with just a little searching.
Vintage Campervans
Buying a used campervan might be just the ticket for those of us who don’t have the skills or cash to buy an convert a newer cargo van.
The VW Pop-top, later called the Vanagon and then the Eurovan, led the way in weekend campervan development. They were the first to use the Westfalia pop-up roof shown in the photo on the right.
Here is a great blog on the development of the VW Vanagon’s development, and the learning curve VW went through in the development process. The early models were seriously under-powered…read the blog for the details. I would steer you toward the later models that finally had a V6 engine, 1993 or newer.
Here is a YouTube video that has some good things to think about before pursuing the “Van Life.”
Learn About Van Life from an Expert: Kristin Hanes of The Wayward Home
Stop dreaming and start planning your van life adventure
Kristin Hanes of The Wayward Home has been living in a campervan for four years and knows how difficult the transition can be. From getting rid of stuff, to choosing the right van, to outfitting that van and adjusting to a huge change in your lifestyle. She hopes the Preparing for Van Life Binder helps ease you into a new life of freedom, adventure and possibility. It’s just $9.00*.
Preparing for the Van Life Binder includes
- Planning worksheets, detailed information, van life essentials list, and 12-month calendar to streamline your van life dreams.
- Downsizing Tips & Checklist: Tips to help you downsize with ease, plus room-by-room checklists so you can take action on getting rid of stuff.
- Choosing a Van WorkSheets: Learn about types of vans, where to buy a van, and track your top van choices.
- Bonus #1: 15 Van Life Meals to get you started with cooking on the road.
- Bonus #2: A Van Life Build and Cost tracker so you have a detailed record of what you put in your van.
- Bonus #3: An Income and Expense Tracker so you can start planning your budget on the road.
See more of Kristin’s van life aids on this page of the Tiny Life Consulting website: RV E-Courses and Workshops
Van Life Academy
With Van Life Academy you get a step by step course put together by several expert vanlifers to help you get over any obstacles that may be standing between you and your best life!
This course helps simplify the process of getting set-up and taking you from a wanderlust aspirant to a full-on road adventurer. So you can Go From Liking Instagram Pictures Of Van Life To Actually Living It!
Their objective is to enable you to live van life in the fastest and most affordable way possible. Learn the best way to build your van, live van life, and travel the world, affordably.
Here’s what you get:
- You’ll be taught by 11 different expert vanlifers and van builders. They will guide you step-by-step through 6 different van builds. You can even replicate their work – making the van conversion process easy & efficient.
- Learn everything you need to know about living Van Life in one place. This will limit your overwhelm & save you TONS of time as you won’t need to piece together hundreds of hours of scattered and sometimes inaccurate information!
- Follow the proven processes and money saving tips demonstrated throughout the course to avoid making common mistakes that otherwise would cost you hundreds or even thousands of dollars & countless hours. In addition to this, if you were to buy everything inside Van Life Academy separately, it would cost you well over $1,000!!
- Van Life Academy includes PDF’s, checklists, electronic schematics, floorplans, tools, calculators, diagrams, videos, exact processes, and more to help organize your planning & accelerate your van build. You’ll find EVERYTHING you need to build your van inside Van Life Academy.
Use this link for a 50% discount.
Here’s another great resource for those considering a life on wheels
From Van To Home
Take advantage of this guys van conversion journey and following years of travel throughout Europe.
He quit his job, bought an rusty old van off eBay®, turned it into a comfortable home and never looked back.