Rent the floating tiny house in the picture above from Airbnb. See more photos on their site.
Floating Tiny Homes
Floating tiny homes come in two categories: homes built on floats or a barge with no means of propulsion, and houseboats that have engines and can move about.
Floating tiny homes are obviously limited to certain geographical areas where quiet water is in abundance. One such area is Seattle, Washington where people have been living in floating homes since 1930. Houseboat and floating home communities are clustered around marinas that offer amenities like a safe place to moor, a dock, shore power, fuel, and sewage services and/or shore bathrooms with showers.
Marinas offer amenities to floating tiny homes
Many marinas that cater to floating tiny home communities also offer repair services, grocery stores, and restaurants. Seattle’s floating communities have been around long enough to have developed robust building codes to protect lives and the environment. Many have homeowners associations. Mooring fees can be between $300.00 and $700.00* a month depending on size, amenities, and location.
Houseboats and floating homes can be rented. Depending on the amenities, they can run as much as $5000.00/mth*.

The exceptional views and fun of waterfront living have not escaped the notice of the very rich, who build monstrosities that boggle the mind and stretch engineering to the limit.

More normal houseboats with a living area of only 500 sq. ft. rent for about $2,000.00/mth*, but you still get the views and the ability to pull your jet ski up to your porch, fish, and swim off your deck.
The houseboat shown at the top of the page was for sale on eBay for $19,000.00. It’s a 1998, Gibson 37 Sport Houseboat Boat Cruiser Sleep Water Condo located in Coatesville, Pennsylvania. That’s a good price, but it needs some engine work and there is a roof leak.
There are hundreds of houseboats for sale on eBay. You might find one in your area, but chances are you’ll need to have it transported to your location. These boats will be in various stages of repair and may need extensive restoration to be habitable. Buying a vehicle from eBay® has some risks. Read more about that here.
Building Your Own Floating Tiny House
If you live in a coastal area where pontoon boats, houseboats, and floating homes are popular you might just get the opportunity to grab your tiny floating home dream. Keep an eye on salvage yards to see if you can find a damaged houseboat for cheap, and you can rebuild into a floating tiny house.
Floating tiny homes gotta float
The float system for your floating tiny home will be your biggest expense. Like any tiny house, the foundation is the most important part.
Custom-made barges can be fabricated by Leisure Marine Services in Gulf Port, Alabama. This steel barge would make a great base for a tiny home. It measures 12’x25′ and sells for $30K*. Click on image to see more about their barges.
Also, look for work boat companies that might custom make a floating foundation for your tiny house build.
Floating Tiny Homes Built to be Off-Grid
Floating tiny homes need off-grid infrastructure. You’ll need holding tanks for freshwater, black and gray water storage, as well as fuel. Solar panels will keep the batteries charged.
Boat building techniques need to produce a product that is able to stand up to the rigors of wave action and the corrosive salt environment. The materials used need to be lightweight. Like any other build, do your research carefully before pulling the trigger.
Here is a great YouTube video from Living Big In A Tiny House
Bryce Langston writes, “Designed by Ian Ugarte in collaboration with architect Drew Heath, this tiny houseboat, named the Arkiboat, was designed to be strong and lightweight, designed for a life at sea with open views to the surrounding environment, all with an architectural edge.” More about this tiny house boat on Bryce’s website.
Narrow Boats
The United Kingdom boosts a unique canal system, originally built in the 18th century for commerce. In 1947, these waterways were only used for leisure activities like boating. Thousands of the long narrow barges once used to transport goods were transformed into floating tiny homes.
A 30 ft-long canal boat will cost about £20,000*. It’s estimated that 15,000 people live on these floating tiny homes.
There are about 2,200 miles of navigable canals and rivers in the UK.
Join the Floating Tiny House & Houseboat Community
Here is a cool Facebook® page for the Houseboat crowd.
Here’s a Facebook page about Longboats.
What if your boat no longer floats?
Visit our page No Float Tiny House Boat.