Tiny Life Consulting

Auxiliary Dwelling Units (ADUs)

Auxiliary Dwelling Units, also know as “Granny Pods,” backyard cottages,  in-law suites, even “Failure To Launch Pads,” can be built above a garage, or placed anywhere in the yard of an existing home that is convenient. It is a great way to add rental income or provide a separate dwelling for an aging parent.

Auxiliary Dwelling Units are a great way to create additional housing because they tap into the property’s existing utilities, avoiding some code and zoning requirements. But before whipping out your checkbook, always check with your local zoning authorities and your homeowners’ association. For example, our HOA does not allow them.

Specialty ADUs

Many companies have designed ADUs for those with special medical needs.  “Granny Pods” allow elderly parents to live comfortably in a backyard cottage with all the advantages of a nursing home. Safety features can include extra handrails, lighted floor boards, defibrillators, and padded floors to prevent injury from falls. Also known as “Med Cottages” these tiny homes can be prefabricated and designed to fit into your backyard. State-of-the-art technology allows the occupants of the main house to monitor the aging parent in the tiny home while maintaining the privacy and feeling of independence of the parent.

Boxable Pop Up Tiny House

Popup Auxiliary Dwelling Unit Complete Right Out of The Box

Full-Size Kitchen: Large Fridge • Double Sink With a View • Oven • Dishwasher • Microwave • Shaker Cabinetry
Bathroom: Deep shower/tub • Vessel sink • Large counter • Backlit Mirror • Sliding Glass Barn Door
Living: 19.5ftx 19.5ft • 375 sq ft • 9’6″ Ceilings • 8′ Huge Doors & Windows • Wide Plank Composite Flooring • Built-In Ironing Center • Washer/Dryer • Heating & Air Conditioning
Ultra-Low Utility Bills: Insulation technology and included LED lighting saves you money every day
$49,500.00* or Just $250.00*/mth. See Details Here


The American Tiny House Association

Shower in ADU

The American Tiny House Association has a great website showing the regulations from many different towns. The municipalities on this list show that “Accessory Dwelling Units” are already allowed. Having a THOW (Tiny House On Wheels) might be slightly more challenging. Placing the THOW on a foundation goes a long way in placating the building code officers. It’s better to call them a “Movable Tiny Houses.”

Accessory Dwellings is a good blog for checking out what others have done for ADUs. The picture shows the shower in Deborah Kelly’s Granny Pod that is wheelchair-accessible. Notice the adjustable height shower head too. This is good if you are sitting or standing. It pops off the bar for handheld use.

The “Failure To Launch” Pad

Just a silly take on the movie, this is what I call Auxiliary Dwelling Units meant for the adult kids who haven’t been able to leave home yet. It is an economical stepping stone to independence without a lot of debt. If they are married with kids, it’s a great way to keep the grandkids close at hand.

Auxiliary Dwelling Units Design Considerations for Older Folks

  • Wheelchair and/or walker accessible: Use ramps instead of steps.
  • Wide doorways, built-in handles, and as few steps as possible.
  • Ground-floor bedroom: Granny ain’t climbing a ladder to go to bed.
  • Walk-in shower or tub. Stepping over the side of a regular bathtub can be too much.
  • Simple everything: Simple TV remote control, simple cell phone, simple thermostat, simple clock.
  • Panic button: Add a panic button to your home so they can call you if needed.

“Building an ADU” E-Course

ADU Kitchen
If you are thinking about building an ADU but don’t know where to start, here is a very well-thought-out, detailed online course covering all aspects and considerations of an ADU build.

Kol Peterson, the owner of Accessory Dwelling Strategies LLC, is an ADU expert based in Portland, Oregon, who has helped catalyze the exponential growth of ADUs in Portland over the last decade through ADU advocacy, education, consulting, policy work, and entrepreneurship. He is the author of Backdoor Revolution-The Definitive Guide to ADU Development.

Kol consults with homeowners about ADUs on their property, and teaches ADU classes for homeowners and for real estate agents in Oregon, Washington, and California. Kol developed and lived in a detached new construction ADU in 2011, and developed and lives in a daylit basement/garage conversion ADU he built in 2018. He has a masters degree in environmental planning from Harvard’s Graduate School of Design. He has the knowledge you can trust to build a perfect ADU.

To assist homeowners with the ADU development process, he has developed an online class about how to build an ADU, featuring:

  • 20 classes covering every facet of ADU development from ADU costs to financing, design to permitting, and construction to rental management approaches.
  • 40+ quick tips from out in the field covering tips on ADU specific building information.
  • Interviews with 6 ADU owners who are going through the ADU development process themselves.
  • Walking tours of ADUs.
  • Tips and advice on where to access additional resources to help you through the ADU development process.

Think of this class as an on-ramp to the process of designing and building an ADU. This class will open your eyes to the spectrum of content that you’ll execute and manage in the course of designing and building an ADU. It is intended to make the whole process and project better by helping you understand the ADU design, management, and building process.

By the end of the class, you will understand the design/permit/build process, which will save you significant time and money, and will result in a better product–an ADU that will work well for your particular situation.

The retail price is $299.00* but I can offer you a coupon code for $100.00* off. Go thru this link and use coupon code: TINYLIFECONSULTING.

Aid Accessories for Healthy Living

RV Handle
I added this RV Entry Handle near our front door and near the steps from the deck. They are very sturdy and have saved many falls and missteps. The RV Entry Handle lifts and folds right or left when not needed.
Fold and Go Rollator

Stylish lightweight “Rollator” with padded seat, large wheels, under-seat storage basket adjusts to fit users. Easily folds up into one third the size of the average Rollator for storage in small spaces. Click on image to order.

Wheelchair Ramps

Wheelchair ramps and door entry ramps will make an easier transition through doorways and up stairs.  Mobility solutions help you or a loved one regain confidence, freedom, and the ability to safely and independently access their tiny home with less stress and more security.

Personal Alert Caregiver Pager

Emergency Pager

A Personal Alert Pager gives everyone peace of mind, knowing you can be there quickly if needed. You can concentrate on your other responsibilities while still keeping a good watch on your aging parent.

Without paying for an expensive monthly service, this pager system lets your elderly parent contact you in case of an emergency. With a range of 800′ it will work all over your property. It’s reasonably priced on Amazon.com.