Tiny Life Consulting Blog

Tiny Life Consulting Blog2020-09-09T12:04:21-06:00
  • tiny house blog

Tiny Life Consulting Blog

Thank you for visiting the Tiny Life Consulting blog.Tiny Life Consulting Blog

We are excited to see you.  We will be covering all topics concerned with tiny living, downsizing to the tiny life, and building your own affordable tiny home. We love comments, so chime in. Leave a link to your Pintrest and Facebook pages so we can follow you back.

We love tiny homes, all types of tiny homes. People can be so creative. We will look at many tiny types and what it takes to build one.

We will also visit many tiny home villages, and see what it take to make your own.

Prevent Freezing Water Lines In Your Tiny House

How to Prevent Freezing Water Lines in Your Tiny House or RV In most 'movable' tiny homes, RVs, and manufactured homes, the water line is run externally to your water source. This exposes the water line to freezing temperatures. To prevent freezing water lines, heat tape must be added, then wrapped [...]

Carbon Monoxide Detectors in Tiny Homes

Carbon Monoxide Detectors in a Tiny House This First Alert carbon monoxide detector will only sound the alarm when the level reaches 60 PPM. Below that the display always shows zero.   Sensorcon INSPECTOR displays carbon monoxide (CO) concentrations as low as 1 ppm. You are probably [...]

Finishing Your Projects Reduces Stress

Finishing Your Projects Reduces Stress *First, a 2023 Update: My wife and I sold the home we could no longer afford in 2018, and moved three hundred miles to a town with more reasonably priced real estate. We bought a very small house. We are not young. It was brand new, [...]

Pulling The Tiny Trigger on tiny house living

Pulling the Tiny Trigger From many of my conversations with The Peoples Tiny House Festival attendees this year, here is a list of reasons people Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears. -Les Brown give for not Pulling the Tiny Trigger: What if [...]

Try Tiny before you Buy Tiny

Try Tiny Before You Buy Tiny Tiny Timbers Tiny Home Resort in beautiful South Fork, Colorado is just the place to try tiny before you buy tiny. This is the perfect opportunity for those finding themselves in Southwest Colorado to see if the tiny lifestyle might be an option for them. [...]

Tiny House Nation Reality Check

Tiny House Nation Reality Check Tiny House Nation® seemed to make people's dreams come true. Now in reruns, the television show starring John Weisbarth and Zack Giffin ran from 2014-2019, and featured weekly stories of folks making the move to tiny living. For me, as for many, this show was often [...]

Taking Advantage Of Big-Box Store Sales

Taking Advantage of the Big-Box Store Sales Taking advantage of the big-box store sales can save you some serious money. It can also be an adventure in patience and perseverance. When things go wrong, as they often do, you can end up saving even more money if you use the tips [...]

Tiny House Roofing Snow Load

Tiny House Roofing and Snow Load Terrible ice dam and snow load on asphalt roof must be shoveled and removed. Early winter attention and continual maintenance could have averted the roof leaks that occurred. When the cold winds of late autumn blow in the first snowflakes of the season, [...]

Discouraging DIY Tiny House building

Discouraging DIY Tiny House Building I never thought I would be discouraging someone from building their own tiny house, but here we are. I was excited to see a tiny home purchased by the local homeless ministry and jumped at the chance to tour it. My excitement turned to dismay as [...]

Christmas Wall Tree for Tiny House

Christmas Wall Tree for Tiny House Laying out the wall tree with painters tape. We have no room for a Christmas tree in our tiny house so we found a 'Wall Tree' on YouTube® to make and thought we’d give it a try. Here is our experience. Progress pictures [...]

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